Our Dory ‘Josephine,’ a.k.a. ‘ML3’ got to be in a play at Deitch Studios in Long Island City, part of friend Swoon’s amazing beautiful Switchback Sea raft installation tied up to the neighboring docks. The dory had a bit part as a ferry service between two rafts. After the play, we floated the dory back down the East River to Hunter’s Point for the haul out. The moon was mostly full.
Dylan: “I tried to document the trip as best I could with my camera phone from 2005. At one point, I heard what I mistook for a ringtone getting louder behind me. When I finally looked back, it was a party yacht, motoring about as fast as I was rowing (party speed?) but headed in slow motion right for me all the same. I had a tiny bike light on board so used it to signal. The party ship hovered about 20 feet off the bow and people onboard started shouting ‘Help!!’ which I was in any case powerless to do. I think they were making fun of me? It was vaguely reminiscent of riding a bike in Manhattan when some stretch SUV with flat screens popping out of the windows pulls up along side you and somebody shouts ‘Hey can I get a ride?’ Aside from that the row was limitlessly beautiful as was the night.”